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If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to us
We offer both subscription plans and one-time purchases. With subscriptions, you get monthly character quotas that reset each month. For one-time purchases, you can buy additional characters whenever needed, regardless of whether you have an active subscription.
If you have a subscription, your character quota will automatically reset at the start of each billing cycle. If you need more characters before the reset, you can make a one-time purchase to get additional characters immediately.
For subscriptions, you can cancel anytime but we don't provide refunds for past usage. For one-time purchases, due to the immediate allocation of computational resources, we cannot offer refunds. Please carefully consider your needs before purchasing.
Yes! You can have an active subscription and still make one-time purchases when needed. This gives you the flexibility to handle varying usage needs.
Yes, characters from one-time purchases expire after 30 days from the purchase date. We recommend using them before expiration.
The creation of any form of NSFW or adult content is strictly prohibited across all plans. We reserve the right to delete such content and take appropriate action if discovered.
No, there are no hidden fees. All features and limitations are clearly stated in the pricing table for both subscription plans and one-time purchases.
All paid plans (both subscriptions and one-time purchases) include commercial usage rights, allowing you to use generated voices for business purposes. The Free plan does not include commercial usage rights.